The Killings of Young Mothers. That is the title of an opinion piece published in The New York Times. It's disturbing.
Most violence against women is committed by their husbands or intimate partners. Although homicides are not generally classified as pregnancy related, a woman's pregnancy has often played a part. And in these cases, the killer is often a husband or boyfriend.
As reported in The NY Times, the stress and emotional turmoil of a pregnancy can exacerbate an already abusive relationship.
That is what happened to 20-year-old Markitha Sinegal, new mother of twin baby girls. Her boyfriend, father of the twins, was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.
The Times piece outlines potential interventions: gun control, access to contraceptions and to safe and affordable abortions, screening for intimate partner violence during obstetric visits, and connecting young women to victims' advocates. Also recommended are educational approaches, such as teaching young people what dangerous relationships look like.
Starting on November 25 and ending December 10, Zontians around the world are campaigning against gender-based violence. Look up "The Killing of Young Mothers," December 9, 2024, in The New York Times. Read Ms. Sinegal's story.