Thursday, November 16, 2017

Peconic Bay Zonta Wins 2017 Second Place United Nations Achievement Award

Surrounded by members of Peconic Bay Zonta, Suzanne Scalcione, Area 1 Director, displays the 2017 United Nations (UN) Achievement Award, Second Place, which the local club won from Zonta District 3 for promoting the mission and objectives of Zonta International in an outstanding manner.  Zonta International works to empower women worldwide through service and advocacy.

While Peconic Bay Zonta represents eastern Long Island, Zonta Area 1 encompasses Long Island, New York City, and the Hudson Valley. Zonta District 3 consists of clubs in New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and portions of New York and Pennsylvania. This is the second consecutive year that the local club won the UN award, taking first place last year.

During June 2016 to May 2017, Peconic Bay Zonta focused on the district goal of promoting events to increase international awareness, developing meetings and programs to highlight the cultural traditions related to the role of women in Sweden and China.

Annika Shapiro (standing, far right) hosted the club’s December meeting in her home by preparing a special Swedish holiday dinner. Annika, who grew up in Helsingborg, Sweden, described Swedish life and traditions related to women’s role in society. The club members learned, for instance, that Sweden offers parents of newborns or adopted children liberal paid parental leave.

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