Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Workshop on ‘Zonta Scholarships for Women’ to be Held in Setauket, Feb. 28

Peconic Bay Zonta and the Zonta Club of Suffolk County will hold a workshop on “Zonta Scholarships for Women” on Thursday, February 28, from 7 to 9 pm, at the Bates House, 1 Bates Road, Setauket, NY.  The free event is open to the public, and light refreshments will be served. Attendees must register in advance by sending an email to Zontaclubofsuffolkcounty@gmail.com or calling (631) 804-3136.

Peconic Bay Zonta, which covers eastern Suffolk County, and the Zonta Club of Suffolk County, which covers the central and western part of Suffolk, are both affiliated with Zonta International, a nonprofit organization that works to empower women and girls through service and advocacy. Over 30,000 members belong to more than 1,200 Zonta Clubs in 66 countries around the world.

Zonta International offers scholarships for women pursuing studies in aerospace-related sciences/engineering, business, public affairs related to public service and civic causes, and information technology. Information and applications for each of the four scholarships will be provided at the workshop. The scholarships are:

Amelia Earhart Fellowship — Established in 1938 and named in honor of the famous pilot and Zonta member, this international fellowship of $10,000 is awarded annually to up to 30 women pursuing Ph.D./doctoral degrees in aerospace-related sciences or aerospace-related engineering. Women who demonstrate a superior academic record as a doctoral student in these fields are encouraged to apply.

Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship — Established in 1998 from a generous bequest by former Zonta member Jane M. Klausman, this scholarship is meant to encourage more women to pursue education and careers in business. It offers up to 32 scholarships annually of $2,000 each at the local district level and six international scholarships of $8,000 each. Women who are pursuing an accredited business or business-related program in their second year of college through their final year of a Master’s program are eligible to apply.

Young Women in Public Affairs Award — Established in 1990, this award helps to ensure that women have equal participation in the decision-making processes that bring about sustainable changes to humanity. Up to 32 regional scholarships of $1,500 each and ten international scholarships of $4,000 each are awarded each year. The award recognizes young women, age 16-19, who demonstrate superior leadership skills and a commitment to public service and civic causes. Eligibility requirements include an active commitment to volunteerism, experience in local or student government, or workplace leadership, as well as knowledge of Zonta International and support of its mission.

Women in Technology Scholarship — This new scholarship is a pilot program to encourage women to pursue education, career opportunities and leadership roles in technology. Up to 32 regional scholarships of $2,000 each and six international scholarships of $8,000 each will be awarded. Women pursuing a degree in information technology or a closely related program who demonstrate outstanding potential in the field, or working women who show intent to pursue a career in information technology are eligible to apply.

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